Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reunited and it Feels So Good

Up until now I have had two very neglected blogs. I had one where I would (complain) comment on the world around me and one where I attempted to lose weight and be a better person. After a lot of time not blogging and doing much thinking, I realized that dividing myself into two blogs isn’t really a great idea. I am who I am: cynical, angry, hopeful, fun loving, sarcastic, funny, caring and loyal. Trying to divide the good from the bad just makes me fractured and unlikely to do either. So from now on, I am will only be keeping one blog going, and the winner is: The meanest girl in the word (just cuz I like that title better).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week Two, Howdja Do?

Well to answer my own question…ok. I was not Wendy Weight Watcher, but another week another try. I did bring my lunch nearly everyday to work (both good for the wallet and waistline) and cooked dinner a few nights, but the motivation definitely wore off mid week.

Looking forward to this week I have a menu plan with a few new recipes incorporated, I went grocery shopping and I have been food journaling.

On the money front-I have not created a new budget yet, but did put the extra vacation cash into my savings account.

TV situation: I am proud to say that on Saturday I did not watch any television-mostly because I was out of the apartment from 11:30 am on, but I did get a few things done in the morning that I surely would not have completed has 90210 been blaring in my face.
Sunday instead of festering on the couch, I went to lunch and a movie with my boyfriend (E) and another couple-delightful. I then proceeded to fall asleep on the couch after the movie…but you know too much progress too fast could be a dangerous thing.

I have also started to sift through the mass of stuff that has collected in the living room. I took before pictures and will take after pictures and if I can upload from my iphone-I will share.

Finally, I posted on my blog as scheduled! (delayed due to technical difficulties) Check back during the week, I *may* (I am making no promise) post again before Sunday/Monday.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

I have recently returned from my annual pilgrimage to Cape Cod. When I returned home last year I started this blog. I definitely have not reached my weight loss goal, in fact I am exactly where I was last year, however I have learned one thing in a year-the Cape is necessary for my mental health.
I arrived at the Cape a tired and de-motivated woman. I had been feeling very blah leading up to my trip. I hated everything in my closet, I was sick of all the usual stuff I cook for dinner, work was annoying, I was sick of not keeping to my budget, I hated everything about my apartment, I didn’t want to go out, but I didn’t want to stay in—basically I was in a major rut.

Thankfully, my vacation crashed into this situation like a rogue wave (I love Deadliest Catch!). The first couple of days on the Cape were good and relaxing but it wasn’t until the third day that I realized that I was beginning to feel good, inspired even. I had some new ideas on things to do to the apartment and some new ideas on foods I wanted to try and things that I wanted to blog about. It was really refreshing to suddenly feel revitalized. I don’t think I knew how bummed out I was until I began to feel better. Then it hit me….this happens every time I spend the week down the Cape. I leave feeling renewed and energized, kind of how I *think* you should feel on New Year’s Day-like a clean slate and that you have things you want to accomplish-a good feeling.

That said, I made some resolutions during my vacation:

1. I am going to update my blog on Sunday’s (possibly post on Monday-editing time is sometimes needed) Also, I should mention I have more than one blog so it could be either one.

2. I will be Wendy Weight Watcher-stick to the plan, use my food journal, plan weekly menus, grocery shop and try to change up the things I cook so I don’t get bored.

3. I watch too much TV-so I am going to banish TV on one weekend day until after 8 pm. I think this will encourage me to do the other things on this list or at least leave the house.

4. I will be less stringent in the way I think about my weekends. Currently, I am very possessive of Sundays, I like to go to my WW meeting, grocery shopping, clean the apartment and basically just hang around like a bum.

5. I am going to try to get some kind of organization into my life and root through all of the junk that I have—and possibly have a yard sale

6. Stick to a savings plan. In my defense I had a savings plan that was going well, until there were some changes in my employment that were beyond my control.

So there you have it my post vacation resolutions.

Here is the progress one week back from vacation.

I posted a blog-not on Monday but that is because on Sunday I had a small cookout in my backyard with some friends (see resolution 3&4) and was a little too tipsy to write. Friends don’t let friends drink and blog.

I went grocery shopping, planned my menus (have not ordered out) and cooked something I have never made at home before: mussels (pretty good and not too stinking in my small little kitchen)

I have some vacation cash left over, so I have been using that instead of money out of my checking account and plan to move any money left in my weekly allowance into my savings at the end of the week.

So far so good, let’s just see how it goes. Thanks for reading!