Sunday, July 27, 2008

Six months till thirty?

Okay, so while I was on vacation I came to the horrible realization that I was going to be thirty in six months. How could this be? I am not rich, thin, or famous. I live with my boyfriend in a decent apartment in Cambridge (which was recently made much more pleasant by the departure of the elephant family which resided above us, I mean seriously, if my 1980's track lighting is shaking every time someone or some animal upstairs move, that is a serious problem). I am in the throes of completing a master's degree, I have great friends and a cool family, but I am soo not ready to be thirty. The only way I can face this impending doom is to resolve to be thin-by-thirty.

How am I going to accomplish my less exercise more. That is my boyfriend's sure fire way to lose weight. Seems extremely simple yet, deceptively difficult. Actually, I do have a plan and I intend to detail and assess that plan here. Why here on a blog? Well because I have found that people do not take kindly to discussing how many calories and grams of fat are in every item of food on a menu when they are contemplating what to order. You will not make nor keep friends that way. I have also learned in my nearly thirty years on this earth that I like to talk a lot, and that I don't get enough attention at home. Don't get me wrong, my boyfriend (here on out dbf-dear boyfriend) is great, but no man wants to here how what your menu plan is for the week nor what you did or did not eat everyday.

I also suspect that no reader wants that all the time either. Don't fret-I will include snippets from my life, my thoughts, ideas, and criticisms. Yep a blog is perfect for a girl who likes to talk!